
ABOUT: The purpose of this site is to act as a repository and sounding board for discussions around the theme of Constructivism in Education

Friday, June 24, 2011



ICPALER Framework


 (Munro, 2007)

Words Words have meaning
Parts of words have meaning
Vocabulary as a meaning network
Sentences Simple sentences describe an event
Variations of the simple sentences description of an event.
More complex sentence ideas
Discourse The cohesion of the text, genre
Topic Main Theme

Phonological The rules governing the combining of sounds into words
Grammatical The rules governing the combining and unpacking of words in sentences
Genre The rules governing the combining and unpacking of sentences in discourse
Manage and Direct How we start, maintain, and end conversations
How we take turns,
How we stay on the topic
How we adjust to fit audience and context
How we “read” in a message its intended meaning
Listen and Speak 
Between the Lines
How we use idioms and metaphors
How we extend a language exchange
Judge how much information to give
Judge what others might know during the conversation
Adjust to Context and Audience Select appropriate words and conventions
Use the context to assist understanding
Link ideas in relation to a particular context
Identify goals for an oral communication
Use Language for Different Goals Infer goals for an oral communication
Use language to extend a language exchange
Use language to request agree, confirm, compliment etc.
Ability to Learn
Opportunity to learn language experiences
Able to perceive oral language
Able to use symbolism (concrete to abstract thinking)
Ability to link ideas (eg.  cause-effect)
Ability to conceptualize and categorise
Ability to sequence and order
Ability to generalize learning to other contexts
Expressive and Receptive Language
Expressive and Receptive aspects of the communication