
ABOUT: The purpose of this site is to act as a repository and sounding board for discussions around the theme of Constructivism in Education

Friday, May 04, 2007


ZDP- The lesson must begin with something that will engage all students. Find out what their interests are. Make sure you have something to engage them. We must connect to the students. This sets up a relationship between student and teacher and brings the student into a social relationship with the class. This helps them have a sense of belonging- they must be included and be given attention.
Motivation-look at every child through Glasser's Choice theory model. For example, if a student is lacking power, devise classroom strategy, ie. lesson planning, that addresses this deficit. A lack of fun could call for a greater sense of play in the classroom.

BOS- these are absolutely critical. You need to make sure that you are addressing all required outcomes. Every lesson should be embedded to address the 3 areas of outcomes: knowledge, skills, values and attitudes.

Knowledge of individuals is essential to a successful lesson, including prior knowledge of students learning.
Concrete activities which are constructive.
Gardener's 3 broad domains-Analytic Domain,
Interactive Domain,Introspective Domain

Bloom's 5 levels of taxonomy-aim for the top- synthesis and evaluation; asking key questions which lead to higher order thinking.
Make sure to include group work in your lesson. Think, pair, share. Jigsaw. Grafetti
Communication. Affirmation, Reflection - Hattie.


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