
ABOUT: The purpose of this site is to act as a repository and sounding board for discussions around the theme of Constructivism in Education

Friday, March 02, 2007


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Who is Gen Y?
There is no consensus over the exact birth dates that define Gen Y, also known by some as echo boomers and millennials. But the broadest definition generally includes the more than 70 million Americans born 1977 to 2002. Generation X was born roughly 1965 to 1976.
Narrower definitions put Gen Yers as those ages 16 to 27, born from 1978 to 1989. This narrower view is based on the thinking that as the pace of change in society accelerates, the time frame of a generation gets shorter.
Effect on workforce
Under the narrow definition, as they take their first jobs, Gen Y would be the fastest-growing segment of the workforce — growing from 14% of the workforce to 21% over the past four years to nearly 32 million workers.
About Gen Y workers
High expectations of self: They aim to work faster and better than other workers.
High expectations of employers: They want fair and direct managers who are highly engaged in their professional development.
Ongoing learning: They seek out creative challenges and view colleagues as vast resources from whom to gain knowledge.
Immediate responsibility: They want to make an important impact on Day 1.
Goal-oriented: They want small goals with tight deadlines so they can build up ownership of tasks.

Source: Bruce Tulgan of RainmakerThinking

Understanding and Managing Adolescents

The aim in the classroom is to manage every child.
Every day you can go without shouting adds up your credit....

We need to discover, what are they seeking, what do they want?
Are we adressing their needs?
Instead of the old adage, 'treat others as you would like to be treated', we could say, treat others as they would like to be treated.
We need to maximise learning of higher order learning by teaching critical reflection.

Recommended reading:"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu

Expectations of Generation Y

1.Provide challenging work that really matters.

2. Balance clearly delegated assignments with the freedom and flexibility to produce results in their own way.

3. Offer increasing responsibility as a reward for accomplishments

4.Spend time getting to know staff memgers and their capabilities.

5. Provide ongoing training and learning opportunities.

6. Establish mentoring relationships.

7. Create a comfortable low stress work environment.

8. Allow some flexible scheduling.

9. Be personable and joke around with the staff, while still getting the job done.

10.Balance the role of boss with team player

11.Treat them as colleagues not as interns assistant or teenagers.

12. Be respectful and call forth respect in return..

13. Consistently provide constructive feedback.
(Hattie- single most important ingredient for higher performance)

14. Let them know when they have done a good job.

There are fundamental differences in Generation Y's, in fact, their brain function is actually different, the way their neurons connect is different. They love to multitask, they hate to do one thing at a time. Although this could lead to superficial learning, their ability to network is fundamental-remember the connecter in the classroom! As they all have ipods and mobiles, it is a matter of getting them to use these appropriately.

The Y Gen are the clickerati, the thumb gen. , digital natives in a world where we are but digital immigrants.
Did you know that statistics state that in pulic schools in N.S.W students in years 7-10 are absent 25% of the time, while 50% are regularly absent. So the rate of attendance over 4 years, based on the figures, says 50% of students are only there for 2 years.
Why are these students not engaged? Is the solution being put forward of a back to basics curriculum relevant? Prehaps these trends are what's driving the increase in numbers being experienced by the private education system. It may well be that the state system in ten years will be where you go if you can't go anywhere else. The problems are social, economic, values, family, school culture and community. These problems are placed before us as educaters to inspire real solutions.


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